Environment Projects
Efficient Stoves
The project “Promotion of efficient use of natural resources” is geared towards the creation of nurseries and the planting of woods composed of trees of rapid growth and high calorific value, thus improving on the efficiency in the use of natural resources and reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.
Another very important part of this project is the installation of fuel-efficient stoves which reduce (wood) fuel consumption by half and which come with exhaust pipes to carry the fumes outside of the home where they are installed, resulting in improved living conditions and better health for the beneficiaries.
Our club has been working in this area since 2004 and so far approx. 850 fuel-efficient stoves have been installed, in the second half of 2012 we expect to surpass 1,000 stoves which means that the living conditions of approx. 7,500 less fortunate people will have been improved.
We have received help with this project from the Alliance of Energy and Natural Resources from Finland, Rotary Clubs from abroad, The Rotary Foundation, the Guatemalan Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the National Forestry Institute, and the local communities which benefitted from the installation of the stoves.
These stoves use 85% less wood than the conventional open fire still used in many rural homes because the heat is used much more efficiently. They also come with an exhaust pipe that directs the smoke to the outside, resulting in much cleaner air inside the homes and consequently much fewer respiratory problems for their inhabitants.